Whatever the size and nature of the project, Phillip always starts by looking to local plant life and being inspired by immediate surroundings.
“I do like to challenge the traditional European garden ideology that we historically settle for and that means seeking out native plants and ensuring plant selection really responds to the local area.”
In what’s become a signature style of Withers, a textural, biodiverse plant palette of natives and exotics that embraces colour was derived – this time to suit a hardy, coastal locale. Plants such Aulux cancellata, Conostylis candicans, Teucrum fruticans, Eremophila glabra ‘Kalbarri Carpet’ and Euphorbia myrsiniotes were selected for their changing colour throughout the seasons.
More architectural plant life help lead your eye through the softer foliage with selections such as Brachychiton rupestris, Banksia integrifolia combined with Agave Americana.