Your Native Plant Project box comes with care instructions for how to start planting your native garden.
Here’s our quick guide to getting started.
Step 1. Your plants will need a little care after their journey, so once you receive them, give them a bit of a water when they’re still in their tubes.
Step 2. We assume you’ve already decided where you’re going to plant, so begin by breaking up any hard soil. You want to make it soft enough for roots to grow into.
Step 3. Dig a hole that’s slightly wider and deeper than the native plant tubestock. Then, fill it with water, and water for all the water to drain out.
Step 4. Turn your plant tube upside down, making sure to hold the stem gently so it doesn’t fall out. Squeeze the sides of the tube gently, give the bottom a little tap, and then slowly pull the tube away from the plant.
Step 5. Re-fill a bit of soil back into the hole, then place your new plant on top. The height of the potting mix should match the height of the ground around it.
Step 6. Fill in the rest of the hole and gently pat it down. Your plant should sit nice and firmly in the ground.
Step 7. Water your new native plant in well, to get rid of any air gaps in the soil and give the plant a good drink. Each plant needs at least 4 litres of water.
And that’s it! Your new native plant project is ready to grow.